Emergency Communications & Telecommunications 

WCCOG is a very active player in the effort to improve how Washington County is connected, both internally and with the outside world. We are implementing the Infrastructure Assessment that WCCOG completed in 2005 (see below).

In 2008, WCCOG assisted the County to raise over $800,000 in grants from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to build a new tower in Marshfield and upgrade the emergency radio telecommunications system throughout the county. The new tower in Marshfield (completed in 2008) improved transmission and reception of emergency communications while also accommodating additional cellular and broadband internet service providers.

In 2009, WCCOG worked with Washington County EMA to obtain over $300,000 in DHS funding for additional communications upgrades, including repeaters and radios, and pagers for emergency responders.

WCCOG continues to work with Washington County EMA and interested communities to assess unmet emergency communications needs and to seek grants to fund upgrades.

For more information contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office. 

WCCOG Infrastructure Assessment

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