Local Transportation Planning 

WCCOG provides a variety of transportation planning services to assist communities with local transportation needs, including:

Maine DOT Work Planning documents

Maine DOT Work Plan - Calendar Years 2015, 2016, 2017

Biennial Capital Work Plan for FY2012-2013 - whole state (PDF 5.8MB)

Biennial Capital Work Plan for FY2012-2013 - Washington County Projects (PDF 1.7MB)

Biennial Capital Work Plan for FY2010/2011 (PDF 188 KB)


Transportation Grant Programs 

A variety of state and federal agencies offer grant programs that assist community with transportation need. These include one time grant opportunity and on-going programs with annual applications. WCCOG can help Washington County communities review current eligibility requirements and prepare application for local transportation enhancement.

Some of the transportation grant programs that are available to Washington County communities include:

Please contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office with questions about these grant programs.