Emergency Management 

WCCOG works with county and local emergency management officials to develop and revise emergency management policies and emergency management plans, to meet requirements for emergency response organizations under the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and to seek grant funding for emergency response equipment.

To report damage from significant storm events download Form 7 and call or FAX the information (before mailing) to the Washington County Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 297 Machias, ME 04654 Phone: 255-3931 FAX: 255-8636

Under a grant from the Maine Emergency Management Agency, WCCOG worked with the Washington County Emergency Management Agency to:

WCCOG has completed our work under the 2007 Homeland Security grant. To assist communities with on-going emergency management planning needs, relevant samples and template documents (including template local emergency management policy and local emergency management plan) continue to be available through the links above.

Washington County communities with on-going questions about NIMS Compliance should contact Washington County Emergency Management Director Lynn Dwelley at 255-3931.